Thermal Water

Everything stems from water: it is a natural, unique resource, a molecule in constant change and renewal.

The origin dates back some 10,000 years: raining down from the sky within the Monte Baldo impluvium basin at an altitude of over 800 metres, each drop infiltrated deep into the rock, enriching itself with minerals and increasing in temperature, to then gush out, after a 20-year journey, at the Boiola spring located below Lake Garda.

Terme di Sirmione Thermal Water is unique as it combines in itself the therapeutic properties of sulphurous waters and salso-bromo-iodine waters, benefiting the entire organism. Besides being considered bacteriologically pure, it is hyperthermal as it gushes out at a temperature of around 69°C and is a mineral water due to its fixed residue at 180°C.

The effects of Thermal Water

Terme di Sirmione Thermal Water in contact with the mucous membranes has multiple effects on the body, not easily obtained with traditional medicines. Its unique chemical-physical characteristics make it possible to obtain an increase in the biological balance of the mucous membrane, with improved capacity for regeneration and stimulation of defence processes, through an increase in the formation of antibodies, reactivation of the mucociliary clearance and therefore activity to eliminate harmful foreign particles. Among the various properties and actions that Terme di Sirmione Thermal Water possesses, particularly relevant are its anti-inflammatory, decongestant, mucolytic, and antiseptic action.

Our experts

Composed of nine illustrious names on the Italian medical-scientific scene, the Scientific Committee is a group with high professional and scientific expertise that designs and develops protocols, guidelines, and scientific studies in the field of thermal water, with the aim of making Terme di Sirmione a benchmark for health and prevention.

You can find Terme di Sirmione Thermal Water here:

Thermal SPA

For self-discovery, restoring the balance between body and soul with thermal wellness services and programmes.


We treat people’s health through the properties of the water, in a combination of traditional elements and scientific innovation.


We bring the benefits of Thermal Water into everyday life, in the name of beauty.

Terme di
Sirmione Hotels

A vocation for hospitality combined with an unforgettable stay to nourish body and mind.