Jade Roller

Facial massage accessories


15 in stock


The Jade Roller is a useful tool to perform facial massages, relieving tension in the facial muscles and achieving a more glowing and relaxed appearance paired with a notable lifting effect. Use it every day after applying the cream or serum to enhance the action of the product. The jade roller also helps to drain fluids and stimulate the lymphatic system. A great gift idea, paired with a Terme di Sirmione cream or serum.

Ideale per viso Ideal for face application

Jade Quartz.

Instructions for use

After cleansing and the application of the cream or serum, using the jade roller facilitates the absorption of the cosmetic product.

It is important to use accurate and very delicate movements, using the smaller end for the delicate periocular areas, the nasolabial folds, the chin and the eyelid, and the larger face roller end for the cheeks, cheekbones, forehead and neck.

The massage should also start from the neck, with ascending movements, moving from the sides until they reach the jaw.

For the eye area, very delicate circular movements are recommended, starting from the inside of the eye and working outwards as far as the temples.

At the front, the roller should also be used from the eyebrows to the hairline, always working upwards, starting with a vertical movement followed by a horizontal movement, from the eyebrows to the temples, in order to tone and firm both sides of the face.

Shipping and returns

Shipping costs shall amount to €6.90 for orders under €24, and free for all orders over €24.

To exercise the right of withdrawal, the user is required to use the standard “Right of Withdrawal Form” which can be found at this link on the Website and attached to the order confirmation email. Alternatively, you can send a registered letter to Terme di Sirmione S.p.A. Piazza Virgilio, 1 – 25019 Colombare di Sirmione (BS) to the attention of the Products Office, indicating your details, the number and date of the order, and details on the products to be returned, and indicating the subject as: ““withdrawal from order no …. – dated dd/mm/yy”.

Your thermal beauty routine

Add the versatility and efficacy of the Jade Roller to your own personal beauty routine together with other Terme di Sirmione Cosmetics Institute face skincare products.



Apply the serum



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